home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- WaitStatus
- WaitStatus
- Wait a minute...g
- WaitStatus
- WaitStatus
- xxxxpwww
- xxxxx
- 111111118
- AI#_C
- linkWinFunctions
- initMetatec
- WritePrivateProfileString
- GetPrivateProfileString
- GetPrivateProfileInt
- GetProfileString
- GetModuleHandle
- GetModuleFileName
- OpenFile
- WinOpenFile
- WinExec
- GetWindowsDirectory
- SetErrorMode
- GlobalAlloc
- GlobalLock
- GlobalUnlock
- GlobalFree
- GlobalCompact
- GetFreeSpace
- Yield
- +!ShellExecute
- kernel
- shell.dll
- AddFontResource
- RemoveFontResource
- GetTextMetrics
- GetTextExtent
- SetMapMode
- WinHelp
- WinHelpContext
- WinHelp
- WinHelpKey
- FindWindow
- FindWindowByClass
- FindWindow
- FindWindowByCaption
- ShowWindow
- SetWindowPos
- BringWindowToTop
- SetTimer
- KillTimer
- PeekMessage
- SendMessage
- PostMessage
- GetDesktopWindow
- GetFreeSystemResources
- GetSystemMetrics
- GetDC
- GetTickCount
- ReleaseDC
- SetCapture
- ReleaseCapture
- linkWinFunctions
- .&+ h
- w, #?
- w, #?
- GetFreeSpace
- System Memory Free:
- GetFreeSystemResources
- User Resources Free:
- GDI Resources Free:
- ##,###,###
- Bytes
- sysInfo
- myPath
- .freeGlobalMem
- (GetPrivateProfileString
- globalMem
- iniString
- GetPrivateProfileInt
- iniInt
- WritePrivateProfileString
- writeIniItem
- GetProfileString
- .freeGlobalMem
- globalMem
- profileString
- isBook
- .freeGlobalMem
- Cannot find help file
- WinHelpKey
- isFile
- WinHelpContext
- globalMem
- Unable to run Help!
- 1, #b
- fileOnly
- pathOnly
- 1, #b
- EofileOnly
- baseName
- 1, #b
- fileExtension
- GlobalAlloc
- GlobalFree
- GlobalLock
- globalMem
- GlobalUnlock
- false
- GlobalFree
- freeGlobalMem
- tb30dos.dll
- Yield
- removeFile
- Remove backup?
- Yield
- removeFile
- kernel
- compactBook
- GetSystemMetrics
- screenResolution
- .&+ +E
- <+U!8
- WaitStatus
- statusBar
- default
- waitStatus
- +*+.0
- 1, "Q
- .&, 7
- .&, 7
- .&, 7
- ListBox
- PromptText
- ListBoxDlg
- OKButton
- CancelButton
- objPromptText
- objListBoxGroup
- rSide
- objTop
- objTop
- rSide
- GetSystemMetrics
- screenResolution
- stSelectedItems
- objListBox
- lSide
- textExtent
- listBoxDlg
- .freeGlobalMem
- joGetTextExtent
- }ReleaseDC
- GetDC
- SetMapMode
- globalMem
- textExtent
- CancelButton
- .freeGlobalMem
- globalMem
- Y}GetWindowsDirectory
- WindowsDir
- J$deleteStringMember
- szIdleCmds
- szIdleCmds
- szCopy
- szCmd
- GetTextMetrics
- .freeGlobalMem
- }ReleaseDC
- GetDC
- SetMapMode
- globalMem
- aveCharWidth
- GetTextMetrics
- .freeGlobalMem
- }ReleaseDC
- GetDC
- SetMapMode
- globalMem
- maxCharWidth
- GetTextMetrics
- .freeGlobalMem
- }ReleaseDC
- GetDC
- SetMapMode
- globalMem
- tbkTextMetrics
- deleteStringMember
- deleteDwordMember
- deleteStackMember
- insertStringMember
- insertDwordMember
- insertStackMember
- lSide
- lSide
- objTop
- objTop
- rSide
- width
- rSide
- height
- width
- width
- height
- height
- reverseStack
- false
- isInList
- 1, #>
- &*(\{}|
- replaceSpecialChars
- 1, #>
- &*(\{}|
- removeSpecialChars
- 1, "j
- 1, #Z
- 1, "j
- bubbleSort
- quicksrt
- svSortList
- quicksort
- vSplitPoint
- quicksrt
- split
- quicksrt
- vSplitPoint
- svSortList
- split
- vTemp2
- vTemp1
- svSortList
- ListBoxDlg
- ListBoxDlg
- keyDown
- OKButton
- CancelButton
- keyUp
- ListBox
- in,ms
- ThreeDeeRect
- bottomLine
- topLine
- ListBox
- OKButton
- buttonDoubleClick
- Item 1 in the list
- item 2 in the list
- item 3 in the list which is longer than the others
- OKButton
- +*+.0>
- stSelectedItems
- objListBox
- buttonClick
- CancelButton
- stSelectedItems
- buttonClick
- Cancel
- PromptText
- Please Make Your Selection:
- f dow
- CancelButton
- stSelectedItems
- buttonClick
- buttonClick
- 4stack stSelectedItems
- close targetWindow
- Cancel
- PromptTextU
- Generic System Book v 3.2
- Contents Copyright(c) 1994,1995 Metatec Corp.
- All Rights Reserved
- compactBook
- buttonClick
- onClick
- compactBook
- &Compact Book
- DriveListViewer
- Page id 2
- tools
- Page id 4
- Tools
- Reader
- Open &Tools Window
- closeWindow
- Window
- ~= Reader
- "Open &Tools
- WaitStatus
- Page "WaitStatus"
- EditList
- sting 1,2,3
- page "EditList"
- EditControl
- openWindow
- openWindow
- "EditControl"
- sting 1,2,3
- ListBoxDlg
- ge "EditList"
- Yo, Dude
- , Three
- sting
- Dan's Fabulous List Editing Dialog
- "EditControl"
- page "ListBoxDlg"
- %"?
- System
- MS Sans Serif
- System
- Arial
- Arial
- Sans Serif
- Sans Serif
- ncdVGA
- WaitStatus
- &File
- &Open... Ctrl+O
- &Save Ctrl+S
- Save &As...
- saveas
- &Import...
- import
- &Export...
- export
- Print Set&up...
- printsetup
- &Print Pages... Ctrl+P
- printpages
- Prin&t Report...
- printreport
- Send &Mail...
- sendmail
- &Run...
- E&xit Alt+F4
- &Edit
- &Undo Ctrl+Z
- Cu&t Ctrl+X
- &Copy Ctrl+C
- &Paste Ctrl+V
- paste
- C&lear Del
- clear
- Select &All Shift+F9
- selectall
- Select Pa&ge Shift+F12
- selectpage
- &Size to Page F11
- sizetopage
- F&ind... F5
- search
- Re&place...
- replace
- A&uthor F3
- author
- &Text
- &Character... F6
- character
- &Paragraph... F7
- paragraph
- &Regular Ctrl+Space
- regular
- &Bold Ctrl+B
- &Italic Ctrl+I
- italic
- &Underline Ctrl+U
- underline
- Stri&keout Ctrl+K
- strikeout
- Superscrip&t/Subscript
- super/subscript
- &Normal Script
- normalscript
- Su&bscript Ctrl+L
- subscript
- Su&perscript Ctrl+Shift+L
- superscript
- &Show Hotwords F9
- showhotwords
- &Page
- &Next Alt+Right
- &Previous Alt+Left
- previous
- &First Alt+Up
- first
- &Last Alt+Down
- &Back Shift+F2
- &History... Ctrl+F2
- history
- N&ew Page Ctrl+N
- newpage
- &Help
- &Contents F1
- contents
- Status &Bar F12
- statusbar
- Small Fonts
- .freeGlobalMem
- joGetTextExt
- T||}|||
- \\\\\\\
- |||||
- ||||||X
- \X\\\
- \\\X\\XX\
- X\X\\X\X\XXX
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